2020 Election Day Voting Preferences of People with 20 Rare Names

Joseph Lambert
4 min readNov 2, 2020


Listen up for a second. With only a few hours left until the final day of voting in America, time is running out. We are about to experience a political crisis no one has ever seen before in this country. With Donald Trump willing to abandon the rule of law as Michael Moore told us he would, his objective is to not to win the election but to pilfer it. Joe Biden, on the other hand, wants to implement a climate plan and restore the values of democracy to America. Based on many polls that were conducted in the New York Times between September 1 and October 30, people who had a first name of Donald tended to vote for Donald Trump more than Joe Biden by a margin of 68% to 19%, while people who had a first name of Karen tended to vote for Biden more than Trump by a margin of 60% to 40%. Trump is more popular with males in this country than females, but his support among males is divided almost equally with Biden, holding a slight edge among white American males and some white Asians. People of color, other white Asians, and hispanics lean heavily towards Biden, but it is the white people whose voices matter in this country that is considered to be an oligarchic machine.

New York Times polling average of the people who were surveyed between September 1 and October 30.

Please note that this poll does not include several well-known people that share a name with people that I encountered when I was in architecture school between January 2017 and December 2019. There is a small sample of 20 people in the graph (ten male and ten female) that follows which determines the battleground state polling averages for people who share those names, some of which are among the 102 first names that the New York Times featured in those polls.

Polling averages for the students that were mentioned in the sample study.

According to the graph that is shown, a voter named Jason tends to vote more for Trump than the average Trump voter (represented by Mordecai) by a margin of 62% to 21%, which compounds to 41 points. Likewise, a voter named Senna tends to vote more for Biden than the average Biden voter (represented by both Katrina and Nicole) by a margin of 60% to 28%, which compounds to 32 points. Katrina and Nicole are examples of suburban white women who are fed up with Trump’s policies; Trump’s polling percentage amongst suburban women is down considerably compared to the 2016 election. Since Biden tends to poll heavily among people of color regardless of there being men or women, people who have the first name Abdul (by a margin of 54% to 32%) tend to vote for Biden more than people like Peter (by a margin of 47% to 46%). According to the polling average, a voter named Jason has a higher probability of voting for Trump than a voter named Senna having a higher probability of voting for Biden, since Jason’s advantage of voting is nine points higher (41% to 32%). The battleground voters, named Farheen, Liam, Luz, Michelle, and Peter, are expected to play a factor in whether or not the election will be decided by the popular vote, the electoral vote, the Supreme Court, the Electoral Count Act, or the House of Representatives. Greg Palast warned us that Trump could use the latter three to rig the election and re-elect him constitutionally and legally without the use of the former two, as seen in the book How Trump Stole 2020. The full breakdown of voters is as follows:

Regardless of the outcome of the election, we are headed for an economic depression that is going to be so severe that the Great Depression is no longer used as a reference point. This is going to be the worst economic depression since the Crisis of the Third Century, a global economic crisis that accompanied the beginning of the Roman Empire’s final collapse after 284 and caused the collapse of several empires in Western Asia. With the coronavirus pandemic upending the lives of everyone, capitalism is known to have played a key factor in how a country handles a pandemic. American capitalism cannot handle pandemics because it relies on for-profit models, which are going to become too big to handle within the next few decades and will potentially lead to societal collapse.



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