Back in the summer of 2019, the US Army released a report about the country’s imminent collapse from climate change between 2020 and 2040. As it is said, the dangers of increased risk of infectious diseases and the increased risk of power grids collapsing are becoming more apparent in not only the areas where the military conducts its operation, but also across the entire United States. No civilization will be ever safe from collapse despite the fact that Canada, Scandinavia, northern Russia, New Zealand and Patagonia will have survived it as it was listed in the main article. In fact, the melting of permafrost in the first three regions is happening at a faster rate, which will see the unleashing of infectious diseases that were hidden under the permafrost. These factors alone will cause our civilization to collapse during that timeframe. As you said, we are in the early stages of collapse, and the systems that used to function will cease to exist entirely by 2040.