Joseph Lambert
Feb 17, 2021

Canada and Mexico began their descent into fascism in 2006 and 2000 respectively, when Stephen Harper became prime minister and the PRI lost the election to the PAN party. Both of Mexico's two main parties, MORENA and PAN, are left-wing and right-wing parties. Even though AMLO was elected in the 2018 election, the MORENA party began moving closer to a right wing party like the GOP. Similar scenarios began happening in five of the ten Canadian provinces, but with Jason Kenney and Francois Legault being elected as Premiers of Alberta and Quebec (along with Doug Ford and Brian Pallister) between Trump's election in 2016 and 2020, Canada and Mexico are now suffering the same fate as America and the UK are, with Mexico about 4 years behind and Canada being about 3 years behind.

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