Only, probably — understandably — you’re hell bent on not quite seeing the dots above, or how they connect. I don’t blame you. Who’d want to grapple with…everything collapsing? LOL. It would be funny if it weren’t true. And so, mostly, we’re not grappling with it. We’re like crabs in the proverbial pot. The temperature’s rising. I saw more tweets about the new royal baby than anything else. Wait — how about the billions who could have access to Covid vaccines if billionaires gave a minute fraction of their wealth to help them? How about, oh I don’t know, the fact that without vaccinating the entire world, we keep breeding new strains of Covid, like the Delta variant, that is vaccine resistant? Forgotten in 24 hours, it seems. I digress — but maybe you see my point. We’re wrapped up in so many layers of fatuous nonsense — celebrities, scandals, intrigue, outrage — it’s hard to even know where to begin unpeeling them.