Joseph Lambert
2 min readJun 4, 2021


Following the 2008 financial crisis, the continent of Europe began experiencing a sovereign debt crisis. In order to resolve the crisis, many European governments implemented austerity measures which included cuts to health and social services. Those cuts were included in the financial capitalist bailouts that were agreed upon, which zombified the European economy and caused fascist parties to increase their voting share in all of the elections that occurred after the 2012 election in America. The white working class of Europe supported all of the fascist parties, many of which wanted countries to leave the European Union and further privatize their health services. The austerity measures that were implemented caused an increase in poverty which resulted in the downward mobility theory becoming more predominant. As a result of these austerity measures, the UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016 and Marine Le Pen of National Rally got the second highest vote share fo the 2017 French election. Other countries, like Slovakia and Hungary, now have parliaments whose majority is occupied by fascist parties; a similar situation is now beginning to happen in countries like Spain. There have been numerous figures across some European countries that were calling for military coups if their perferred candidate does not win a future election. Incomes across many countries outside America began to stagnate in the late 1980s and Europe is on its way there at a faster pace than America once did. The hyperinflation of the euro is going to be coming sooner than anyone thinks, and the collapse of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency is going to cause the United States and all of its satellites to turn more fascist due to increases in poverty.



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