Privatization of social services did not take place exclusively in America. The European countries followed suit beginning in the early 1990s and Canada began following suit after Stepen Harper was elected prime minister in 2006. The real reason for the Reagan Revolution and the Thatcherism across Europe was because of the inflationary pressure that was happening around the globe after Richard Nixon closed the gold window in 1971.
The 2019 election in Britain was the thing that initially broke that country after the Brexit referendum of 2016. Bolsonaro's election in 2018 came after the right-wing parties embraced the big lie that Dilma Rousseff was involved in Operation Car Wash in 2016, forcing her to be impeached and removed from office. That started the right-wing populist wave across Latin America which resulted in right wing presidents of Colombia, Paraguay, and Ecuador being elected between 2018 and 2021, all on this platform. Please note that Fernando Lugo's impeachment in 2012 by almost all the political parties in Paraguay was also a factor in how the big lie caused left wing presidents to be removed from office. The 2019 elections in Bolivia also saw the right wing parties expose the big lie that Evo Morales stole the election, and as a result they declared the election resumts annulled and ran a caretaker fascist government that lasted for almost a year until Luis Arce was elected in mid-2020.
Later examples of the big lie being exposed outside of America include Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar, which had the results of their 2020 elections annulled for two different reasons. In the former, the parliamentary election was annulled due to popular protests that exposed the big lie that was made by Jeenbekov's party regarding the anti-Jeenbekov parties stealing the election from him; Jeenbekov was forced to resign shortly after the election was annulled. In the latter, an election that saw the NLD winning the majority of the seats in their country's house of representatives caused the USDP to question the election results as fraudulent; the party would eventually gain power via a February 2021 coup that removed former political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi from office.