Social democracies in Europe are expected to fail just like American style liberal democracies because of austerity measures that were implemented by the right-wing European Union in response to the European sovereign debt crisis. This is causing increases in poverty in several countries, like Hungary, Poland, and Solvakia. Fascist parties in all 3 of those countries would come to power beginning in the 2010s. In Canada, a similar situation is happening, primarily in the province of Alberta. The province's two chief parties began imposing austerity measures during the 1990s, a practice which continues throughout the next 3 decades. This resulted in Jason Kenney being elected as premier in 2019, bringing Trumpism into Canada as we know it. Similar situations happened in Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Quebec, and as a result Canada's social progress index actually declined after 2016 due in part to the austerity measures, which have placed the country into a major decline in its social welfare state since the end of the 1980s. This resulted in increases in poverty across Quebec and Ontario, causing Ford and Legault to get elected in 2018.