Societies liquidate themselves when they get close to running out of the resources that they need to sustain themselves. As depicted in the book known as The Limits to Growth, global food and industrial production requires resources to be used. Once the halfway point between resources at full and zero is reached, food and industrial production begins to decline. Global industrial production peaked in 2017 and the decline of production caused austerity measures to be implemented, which cut health and social services in 185 nations between 2018 and 2022. The austerity measures are going to continue indefinitely. As stated earlier, austerity leads to poverty which leads to fascism. As a result of the decline of food and industrial production, the planet's population begins to stall its increase and peaks a few years after the decline in food and industrial production starts, which results in the start of a rapid collapse of population a few years after that to it degraded carrying capacity.