Take a look at the dow to gold ratio. Since August 1999, the dow has lost more than half of its value compared to gold, and it is projected to fall further compared to gold in the next 2-5 years. When the dow to gold ratio drops below 1:1 then the collapse of the country becomes unavoidable. The dow to gold ratio is the only key indicator of the stock market. Nixon's closing of the gold window in 1971 caused the USA to experience 50 years of a lifestyle they couldn't afford. Unfortunately, the financialization of everything after Reagan was elected as a result of the closing of the gold window caused America, Mexico, the UK, Brazil, and 17 other US associated satellite countries to become poorer. 16 of the 20 satellite states of America, including Mexico and Brazil, will collapse first before America does. Canada will collapse together with America, while the UK will collapse shortly afterward.