The 2022 and 2024 elections will be won by the Democratic Party. However, GOP election boards will overturn every election in which a Democrat wins a seat in the House and Senate in GOP controlled states. Democratic Party controlled states will see Democrats win their seats by a landslide, but that will not be enough to prevent the GOP from overturning the election results in Arizona, Georgia, Texas, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, along with a few other states like Florida and North Carolina. The overturning of these elections will cause the GOP to receive a majority in both houses despite losing the popular vote. When the coup-o-meter was announced in September 2020, it warned every American that a coup would be possible. However, what was missing is that there were two hidden red lights under the meter, both of which are used to indicate failed or partially failed coup attempts. The first red light illuminated on January 7, 2021 and the second red light is set to illuminate between November 2022 and February 2023. A successful coup in the United States is only possible if both lights are illuminated. In order for a coup to be successfuly committed in the United States (which is likely by January 2025), both red lights under the meter must flash simultaneously. In that case, the GOP would occupy all seats in both houses immediately after voting to overturn the 2024 election results, which would prompt a Trumpist candidate to take power well before the scheduled inauguration ceremony. The states who voted for the Democratic candidate (all northeastern and West Coast states, plus Nevada) would announce plans to secede from the union. As a result, Executive Directive 51 would be immedialtely implemented, and control of the governments of all 50 states would be automatically handed over to the GOP. This would result in the beginning of the second civil war in the country's history, as the small amount of armed left wing groups and indingenous people would fight against the military, which is supported by a laerge amount of armed far right groups. Unlike with what happened with the first civil war, this would not result in a winner like what is happening in Syria and Yemen.