The development of such systems that made European socieites perform well after the 1970s resulted in the European sovereign debt crisis that took place after the 2008 financial crisis. In order to address that crisis, many European governments began imposing austerity measures that were somewhat more severe than the measures that were taken to address the fiscal cliff in America in the early 2010s. The mass protests against those austerity measures resulted in fascist parties gaining seats in many European parliaments in the late 2010s. Canada is not any better than Europe to this regard because Stephen Harper's austerity measures that were implemented starting in 2006 were continued under Justin Trudeau's government to a lesser extent. Due to the continuation of austerity measures across that country, five of the ten Canadian provinces that comprised a total of 2/3 of Canada's population began electing fascists into their government; noteworthy examples include Doug Ford obtaining a majority in the Ontario elections in June 2018 (followed by Francois Legault's CAQ party being elected to power in Quebec in October of that year) and Jason Kenney obtaining a majority in the Alberta elections of 2019 following the merger of the PCA and Wildrose into the UCP. Scott Moe's Saskatchewan Party has been elected to four majority governments since he entered the Saskatchewan Assembly in 2011 before he was elected premier in 2018. The election of right-wing fascist members to Canadian provincial governments after Trump was elected resulted in more austerity measures being imposed, which resulted in Canada's investment of social services plummeting towards 40% of annual GDP before the COVID-19 pandemic began.