The fiat monetary system that was put into place after president Richard Nixon closed the gold window in 1971 brought about the 20th century neoliberal system, which began to impact the world in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Take the Reagan/Thatcher era and all the politicians that have emulated them in Canada and the rest of Europe; all of those countries implemented neoliberal style measures to increase the debt while reducing taxes and inflation. Those measures worked for over 40 years until the 2019 repo market collapse that weakened the financial system much more than the 2008 financial crisis. In order to resolve the crisis, the Obamas and Camerons of the world began implementing austerity measures in an attempt to reduce the country's debt; Greece and a few other European countries (like Spain, Ireland, and Portugal for example) were suffering from a severe sovereign debt crisis in the early 2010s, which caused fascist politicans to be elected to the parliaments of Europe by the white working class despite losing the popular vote. This would happen in conjunction with fascist politicians being elected in the 2010 and 2014 American midterm elections while winning the popular vote byt a small margin; the 2018 Senate midterms saw the GOP gain additional seats despite losing the popular vote. State elections in Pennsylvania and Michigan in 2018 also exemplified this exception. The PC parties of Canada won most elections between 2017 and 2020 despite losing the popular vote (except in Saskatchewan) due to the previous governments implementing austerity measures which resulted in increases of poverty. As poverty began to increase around America and Europe after Obama won his second term in 2012, more fascist governments began taking office. Please remember that the austerity-hyperinflation-poverty-fascism cycle remains in play as fascist governments are more likely to be elected after episodes of hyperinflation.