If you think I’m kidding (or exaggerating), take a look at America and India — two vastly different nations, yet each in the grip of fanatically regressive sociopolitics. America’s Trumpist working class wants a return to fascism and apartheid — and as long as they get a scapegoat to hate, they are quite happy being serfs, who own, save, and earn nothing in net terms, dying in debt, just like serfs did throughout history. They certainly aren’t calling for, for example, better healthcare, retirement, education, and so on — they dramatically oppose it. Precisely the same is true in India — apart from one or two progressive provinces, India’s in the grip of a fanatical religious supremacism, where instead of modernity and progress, in the way of better public institutions and higher living standards, the average person demands a fascist social structure of the true and pure above the impure of blood and untrue of faith, and they’re quite happy to go on being serfs and peasants if they have hate and violence.