The liquidation of American democracy will have a decreased likelihood if Green Party members are elected into Congress in 2022 and 2024 in place of GOP or Democratic members. Hower, the real danger in 2024 comes from GOP election boards working together with state legislatures to overturn election results in races that GOP members did not win, including the presidency, in states where they have total control.
With regards to the other Western social democracies, almost all of them were forced to impose austerity measures after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 thanks to the EU. This increased poverty a lot in most of those countries, causing fascists to be put into power. In Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, fascists would gain total control of their countries' governments by the middle of the 2010s, and the poverty caused bay the austerity measures played an important factor in the UK voting to leave the EU in 2016. The EU is a liberal organization just like the USA is today, and both areas will need to replace their democratic systems with Trotskyist socialistic democracy systems in order for democracy to survive into perpituity.