The major problem with white nations being richer than nations with a population full of colored people is that it contributes to a high increase in income inequality that has historically brought down socieities in the past. Over a period between 300 AD and 600 AD, massive inequality problems existed in the Roman Empire which caused the empire to split in 395. The Western Roman Empire’s collapse in 476 resulted in the beginning of the Middle Ages period, and this collapsed was marked by wars and plagues. The Roman empire also shared that same tactic of having their ancestors enslaving minorities, which leads to a massive increase in income inequality that eventually results in a famine among the general population which itself causes a society to collapse. Racism is an example of why nations that reach their peak in economic prosperity, population and military might begin to decline slowly early on before collapsing calamitously.
The main part of this problem that will cause the United States and Brazil (and the United Kingdom, to a lesser extent) to downfall faster than anticipated is that those countries tend to have a higher crime rate than the countries that they share a border with. For example, the United States has a total of 4% of the world’s population but 22% of the world’s prisoners. The high crime rate has resulted in there being a high amount of prisons, making the United States the most punitive nation in the world.