This is on point, but America is not the only major country outside of Western Asia, Latin America, or Africa that feels like a broken society. Canada and Europe began implementing austerity measures after the 2008 financial crisis. Those measures caused both areas to experience increases in poverty which resulted in fascist governents being elected in some regions. Overinvestment in European social infrastructure caused the continent to experience a major sovereign debt crisis, while most Canadian provinces cut their health and social services despite recommendations not to do so. Despite the banning of assault weapons in both areas, the number of shooting incidents has actually increased in recent years. As a result, there have been fascist politicians who have been elected to parliaments in those two areas, albeit in a lesser number than America has right now. Take for example the AfD in Germany, Fidesz in Hungary, RN in France, the CAQ in Quebec, and the UCP in Alberta, all of which have significant percentages of QAnon folks. The only way the liquidation of society can be stopped is to remove all members of the blue and red parties (i.e. the national versions of the Democratic and Republican parties) from office and replace them with members of true environmental parties (for example: the US Green Party and the Trotskyist SEP parties of the world). Most of the green parties that are in government are actually considered to be blue parties.