We have a major problem here. Our global civilization will end up like most of Africa by the early 2030s and will be in total collapse between the 2040s and the late 2050s. This is because the level of the most trusted carbon emissions scale in the world will hit 425 ppm by December 31, 2024. As we can see, we don't have three decades to expand our moral community of persons to include all biotic life and matter. We must get our carbon emissions to peak at 424 ppm in 2023 and reduce them down to the safe level of 300 ppm by the end of the 2040s. What happens over 425 ppm is going to be much worse than what you described in this article. The extinction of the speicies we depend on will occur faster than anyone will think, and the depletion of the resources that global civilization needs to sustain will cause the human population to peak in the early 2030s and collapse beginning in the 2040s. This will result in a total extinction event. Anyway, infrastructure investment rates of only 50% will result in austerity measures being imposed, which increases poverty and decreases the investment rate; hence a 75% investment rate is required. https://www.joboneforhumanity.org/irreversible_global_warming_is_here_now